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m.k.nyf was born in Lübeck, brought up in the South of Germany, studied, lived and worked in Switzerland. Shortly after the first grand-daughter "Emilia" was born, m.k.nyf started the series "Kunst für Kinder - KfK" (Art for children) at the end of may 2005.

Until the end of july, m.k.nyf painted the series "KfK", 25 pictures for children and young people at the age of 0 - 100.

m.k.nyf is a freelance artist and lives now in the Black-Forest in the midst of a beautiful nature.

"I wanted to create art for children of any age", says m.k.nyf. "My paintings teach babys how to look and to observe. Emilia is fascinated by the cheerful colours. My paintings should be able to wander, from the place above the babybed into the children- and teenager-room and later into the own flat of the grown-up."

The paintings of m.k.nyf are the ideal gift for and from young parents, from grand-parents, from godmothers, godfathers, uncles and aunts.

The subjects: - dreams, thoughts, songs, ideas, experiences - are no typical, in light pastel painted, themes for kids. The paintings have been created to accompany a person throughout the whole life.

You don´t grow out of m.k.nyf´s paintings, you grow into them.



A 90 years old man from Berlin writes:

"Als ich zum ersten Mal die Gelegenheit hatte, einige Bilder von m.k.nyf zu sehen, gefielen sie mir auf Anhieb und taten meinen Augen mit ihrer gelungenen Kombination von Formen und Farben einfach wohl.

Als ich daraufhin erfuhr, dass die Bilder speziell für Kinder gedacht waren, entdeckte ich erst die feinen Einzelheiten, die die Kinder zur genauen Betrachtung anregen sollen.

Aber: Warum sollte man die schönen Bilder in Kinderzimmer verbannen? Ich selbst, als alter Mann, empfinde bei Betrachtung der Bilder reine Freude. Sie sind für mich - hier passt der Ausdruck - eine echte Augenweide."


H. Th.


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